Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Decorating

It was finally time to decorate for Christmas, and we did it fast!  It took a village to figure out how to get the lights on the tree to work.  I can't for the life of me remember how I did it by myself last year!  Lincoln immediately wanted to put the star on top! 
Mommy was in charge of decorating the grown up tree.  Some of the ornaments from the bottom seem to have migrated to another location.  I see we'll have to have a talk about the breakables!!!   
It was a really big deal to set up the Snoopy train around the tree, and the boys asked me a million times if I was ready.  Setting it up was a breeze . . . it's the maintenance that's a beating!  See, the train works just fine and circles the track really well.  Two sneaky little boys like to turn it on and off every three minutes, and they knock it off the track EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.  One of my goals should be to teach them how to put it back on, but I have trouble aligning the wheels on the track myself.  I'm glad it bring so much joy because it also brings plenty of annoyance! 
Decorating the playroom tree was next, and they attacked it with gusto!  Most of the ornaments ended up of the bottom third of the tree . . . right in their line of sight.  I might have spread them out a bit while no one was looking.  It seems like the ornament-thieving is not limited to the big tree, as I found a dozen kid ornaments having a picnic on the rug in Lincoln's room.   
Our elf, Bobby, made his yearly appearance on Sunday.  He brought the boys cute Christmas plates and an Oreo treat.  It seems like he's got a few tricks up his sleeve this year, and he really got the boys squealing this morning!  He hid there stockings and replaced them with their underwear!  They were freaking out that Santa couldn't put any gifts or candy in underwear!!!  Luckily Bobby has returned the stockings and is sitting on the candy jar now.  That crazy Bobby has to think of 22 more places to sit.  Lincoln is really sure that Bobby reports directly to Santa, and he's been know to run up to him and say, "Bobby, can you be sure to tell Santa that Beau shouldn't get any presents because he's being mean and stealing my puzzle pieces.  I know you didn't see that because we were in the other room, and I just wanted you and Santa to know that he can't have presents."   
I can't believe we are already into December, and there are so man Christmas activities to do.  Tonight we made cookies and watched A Charlie Brown Christmas.  It was a pretty fun way to end a busy Monday.  On to the rest of the week . . .

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