Weight - 23 1/2 lbs - still not a hefty kid
Height - no clue
Sleep - We recently went through our first rough patch of sleeping, and it was brutal! All of a sudden, Lincoln would scream bloody murder when one of us left the room at bedtime or if he awoke during the night. It was serious! The first few days I went back in to comfort him until he fell asleep. That didn't seem like the best habit to get into, so after several days of LONG crying spells (from Linc and Mommy), he decided he can go to sleep on his own again without a whimper! I'm so glad we got our awesome little sleeper back.
Fave Foods - strawberries, guacamole, cheese quesadillas, hot dogs (Hebrew National Kosher!), bananas, frozen yogurt, cheese, Teddy Grahams, corn flakes
Least Fave Foods - macaroni and cheese (or any kind of pasta), bread, green beans
New Words - all gone, no more, hoot (like the owl), door, key, shower, bracelet, home, wawa (wash hands)
Party Tricks - he's awesome at sign language these days and can do milk, more, momma, dada, baby, kiss, cereal, eat, drink, ball, friend, sleep, and bath. He loves to sing Row Row Row Your Boat, do the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, and The Wheels on the Bus. When asked what Daddy says, Linc shakes his head and says "no no no." When asked what Mommy says, he smiles and says "tee tee." (What? I'm pregnant and do that a lot now!) He likes to play chase (crawling or running) and have me crawl or run after him. He drops everything and comes running when he sees a camera, gets SUPER close, and yells "cheese!"
I'm sure I'll think of so many more cool things, but this will do for now. What did we do before we had this little monster around for entertainment? He's way better than tv!
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