Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Time Out!

Brotherly love was on full display tonight! Lincoln got in a bit of trouble for not minding Mommy and had to have a time out in his room. Beau could hear his big brother crying from his room and was really concerned. I couldn't tear Beau away from Lincoln's door! Luckily the time out ended successfully with an apology from Lincoln and happy times for all!

There was still a little time left to play before bedtime, so we read a few books. Beau got to pick!
We all hate when Lincoln is in a mood and exerting his strong will. There is so much fun to be had; why waste time being sad?!?! I do know that it's important to establish the "mind Mommy" rules early, so we have to have a few hard times. Beau is so in tune to what's going on with Lincoln, he almost can't bear the time outs!

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