If you ask Lincoln who is his favorite friend, he'll say Will every time. Will and Lincoln have been best buddies at school for almost a year. They are like glue each day, and we were so excited to celebrate Will's 3rd birthday with a bounce house party. I asked Linc what gift we should give Will, and he really had to think. He said that Will likes to play with blocks, puzzles and trucks. (I wanted to give him Lincoln Logs, but went with puzzles instead. Lincoln Logs are really hard to find!) They had lots of fun jumping!

It was a cool day, but the kids were all sweating after jumping for a while. Linc got some serious air!

I'm so glad Lincoln and Will will be moving up to the 3 year old room together next month. They have similar personalities and love to talk. Bouncing buddies!

On top of the bounce house, Mr. Stephen made cotton candy! Will and Lincoln wanted to be part of the action and have the first taste.

Don't let this picture fool you. Lincoln was excited for his first taste, then absolutely hated it after that. He immediately wanted to wash the mess off his hands and face. On the other hand, Will was in heaven! He ate a ton of cotton candy and loved every minute of it!

Ms. Ann had the cutest party decor, which I neglected to take any pictures of. A rainbow fruit display, the always-a-hit nugget tray, tons of rainbow colored candy, candy-coated marshmallows and even rainbow colored popcorn! We managed to snag marshmallows and gummy candy in our treat bag, and Linc loved every bite. I tried to calm down his sugar high with a sensible dinner, but he was bouncing off the walls all night! Beau came with us to the party and had fun watching the kids jumping. He can't wait to be big enough to get in on the action. Lincoln has been talking about Will's party for days and asked if we could go to Will's birthday party again tomorrow. Thanks to the Drapers for an afternoon of fun!
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