Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bath Time Drama

Oh, the drama of the bath tonight! Beau has figured out that he can reach the handle to turn on the shower! He loves it . . . Lincoln does not love it!!!! Beau was so excited about his new find, and Lincoln was so concerned that Beau was going to spray him with water. Lincoln was in a panic and said, "Mommy, take Beau somewhere else. Take him out of the bathroom!" He was constantly on guard for Beau's new trick.

They really had it out - every time Beau grabbed for the handle, Lincoln pushed him back. Again Lincoln pleaded, "Please get Beau out of here, Mommy. I no want him to turn on the water. Take him somewhere else." I kept assuring Linc that I wouldn't let Beau turn on the water again, but he was too distraught to relax.
Beau was pretty pleased with himself after the whole ordeal. He found a fun new trick and found a new way to aggravate his big brother. Double score!!!!

Does this look just say it all? Poor Lincoln! I hurried him out of the tub and out of Beau's menacing torture. He calmed down when Beau crawled off to ransack the book basket. He asked, "Why Daddy not come to hold Beau? I don't want him in here." Kevin was at the Stars game tonight, so we there was no one to rescue Beau. (Or Linc!)

I know it is mean of me to stop and take pictures when these fights are going on, but sometimes they are too funny. Like it or not, Lincoln and Beau are going to be sharing a bathroom for a long time. I hope I can keep my composure and even have another laugh the next time they are going at it!

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