Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Night Owls

The boys have always been on a very strict bedtime schedule for their entire lives!  This summer we have been letting Lincoln stay up after bathtime on weekend nights to do a little more Lego-ing or watch a few Road Runner videos on the computer.  The more we got into the relaxed days of summer, the more Lincoln got to stay up.  Beau figured this out recently, and bedtime has been quite long lately.  On this night, the boys took early baths (8:00) so they could watch a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle episode on the laptop.  When that was over, Beau had to go to bed and Lincoln (secretly) got to look at Lego projects with Mommy on the computer.  Beau heard the commotion and came out to participate.  We checked out a few things then the boys went to their rooms . . . but not for long.  Mommy decided to watch a show on Tivo and was interrupted by two little boys who couldn't help but come out repeatedly to give hugs.  At about 10:30 we were having a spirited conversation about a vacation they are planning to go on.  They will do anything to stay up just a little bit later!  These late summer nights are the best, but reality is about to set in.  We will have super strict school bedtimes soon, so it seems we are all taking advantage of the last days of summer.  Who wouldn't want to have a late night discussion with these two cuties?!?!  It might just be the best part of the day!

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