Monday, August 25, 2014

Lincoln's First Day of Kindergarten

The first day of Kindergarten finally arrived!!!  It has taken FOREVER to get here, and we were all super excited on Monday morning.  Lincoln was looking super cute in his button-up shirt with sleeves rolled up and khaki cargo shorts and new (super speedy) kicks.  Thankfully, he was happy to pose for a few pictures before we left for school.  We said, "It's the first day of Kindergarten!"  And Lincoln said, "It's the first day of Happiness!"  What an amazing attitude!
Silly guy had fun taking pictures and made a few goofy faces. 
Obligatory picture by the sign at school.  We chatted with some friends while waiting our turn.  Lincoln and Preston promised to play together later at recess. 
This guy was the line leader of our family and was so confident about walking into his new school. 

Lincoln went right to his spot at the table and sat down like he knew just what to do!  Daddy and Beau posed with him for a quick pic. 
Mommy got to take a picture too, and Linc even gave me a little squeeze hug.  Doesn't he look so happy?!?! 
He was pretty anxious to get right to work on his first assignment . . . writing his name and drawing a picture of himself.  So busy!  We left soon after with a half wave from Lincoln.  Super glad there were no tears involved with our first Kindergarten experience.   
Pick-up time seemed to take forever for a Mommy who wanted to know all the details about the first day.  Lincoln had a great day and "cheesed" on the way to the car.  He looks a little more tired than at drop-off, right?  He had the best day!  He can't even tell me the best part; he just says I love everything about Kindergarten.  Eating lunch in the cafeteria, playing on the playground with friends, learning a new song during circle time, getting computer time, and just taking part in each new event of the day.  Success!!!! 
More new firsts for this Monday . . . Lincoln's new outdoor soccer team made of Bowie Kindergarten boys had their first practice at 6:00.  Lincoln, Nick, and Preston (from our Indoor Tornadoes team) joined Canon, Jonathan, Griffin, Crawford, and Cameron for a fun Ninjas team practice!  It was hot, and they were dragging a little from the first day of school, but they made it fun.  Lots of drills and working on skills! 
Most of us have 3 year old siblings, and they really have a chance to get to know each other.  They played a little soccer . . . until Beau's iPad tempted everyone to come watch a movie.  He and Case, Lucy B, Lucy C, Ellie, and Audrey will be super close by the end of the season, and they'll have to remain friends as they are all Bowie 2016 Kindergartners!   
We came home and made a quick and yummy dinner.  BBQ chicken and cheese paninis, steamed green beans, and a little fruit.  So glad for a quick dinner after the busiest day EVER!  The boys really loved the simplicity of it, and they got to play just a little because it was quick.  Chocolate cookies were for dessert because why not????  It's the first day of school!!! 
Early baths, early chapter reading in The Wizard of Oz, and early hugs should mean early bedtime, but not so much.  Beau came out a few times with a "blanket issue" and was sent back to his room.  Lincoln came out a million times asking for craft supplies, books, water, hugs, kisses, and on and on.  So much for being tired!!! 
After taking a picture with this random craft he made, he is no longer allowed to come out.  (We'll see about that!)  It was definitely a busy but successful and even wonderful day.  How's that for a first day of school?!?!  He's ready to go back, so that's great.  Less pictures on Tuesday, but hopefully just as much fun and cuteness. 

1 comment:

Hayley said...

So glad that he had a great first day! Sounds like it will be a good year!