Happy Thursday because Mommy was home from work with Beau! Lincoln went to VBS with William, and Beau got to help Mommy clean out the playroom. He regulated on which toys were ok to donate and which ones needed to stay . . . all while wearing his fireman costume!
We had three trash bags full of stuff to donate to Goodwill! Daddy sent us a selfie from Belgium, so took a selfie to send Daddy!
Daddy is on a neighborhood Dad's softball team this summer, and their first game was on Thursday night. We went to represent the Kuhlman name, and the boys had so much fun!!! All of the kids are friends in some way . . . older brother/younger brother/soccer teammates/baseball teammates/etc. These kids had a blast!!
The Golden Sombreros in the field! Apparently, Golden Sombreros means striking out 4 times in one game, so they named them selves ironically. (Because they were pretty good!!)
Beau took a break from hide and seek and settle his sweaty self in between these bars. Cutie!
This sweaty guy couldn't sit still for long. That snaggle-tooth smile is forever the greatest thing!!!
Two little boys loved watching the Dads (even though their was in Belgium for the week). So much fun at the ballpark!
Lincoln is finishing up VBS at our church on Friday, and Minnie and Bubbles are coming for the weekend! So much fun to come!