Sunday, December 20, 2009

Early Christmas Fun

We're spending Christmas in Dallas this year, so my parents came for an early Christmas celebration. Lincoln was excited to play and show off his super crawling skills, and they were excited to give him lots of hugs and kisses. As usual, he impressed them with how big he is! Linc got to open presents and had so much fun. I know he's going to love playing with his new toys.
Here he is opening his first present of the night. He would wad up the paper and tear it into pieces. Sometimes the toy caught his eye, and sometimes the paper was too interesting!
Aunt Ally is an expert present opener so she coached Lincoln on the best way to get into them!
Linc and Minnie watching more presents being opened. He loved the Sock Monkey and held onto it for a long time. (Well, a long time for an 8 month old!) It definitely passed the "chew test."
One of the best gifts: curly ribbon bows! I think I'll fill his stocking with these instead of presents.
"Whoa!" With lots of supervision, Lincoln got to ride his horsey.
We all had a great time playing with the new toys and catching up since last month's visit. We'll be at Solana for Christmas Eve with the Kuhlman Clan, and I know Lincoln will enjoy all the festivities. After that I'm taking Linc to Arkansas to see the rest of the group. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

the box family said...

christmas is so much fun with the boys! i love lincoln and the ribbon...mccoy has definitely been after the tissue paper. we're in hot springs this year, but you guys have a merry christmas!