Sunday, December 13, 2009

Best Santa Visit Ever!!!!

Nana and Pops took us to the Gaylord Texan (massive resort hotel nearby for those of you not in Dallas) on Saturday to tour the Christmas exhibit. Of course our first stop was to see Santa! In light of the NorthPark debacle, I was anxious and not sure we would see Santa this year. I'm happy to report that Lincoln officially sat on Santa's lap though I'm not sure he asked for any cool gifts. Santa was totally great-looking and the line moved very quickly. We only waited about 10 minutes . . . which was great because neither Lincoln or Kevin has any patience for lines! I uploaded these pictures from my cell phone, so the quality is not great. (Don't worry though because we have 10 5x7s in magnificent quality!)
Lincoln politely looked at the camera and puckered up when I handed him to Santa! It seemed like he was going to be a real pro!
After the first photo, Lincoln turned around to see who was holding him. Santa kindly looked back at him, and Lincoln froze! Uh-oh!Lincoln: "Daddy!!!!!! Come get me!!!!!!"
Mommy: "No wait! Get a picture of this face!"
It was a classic Santa moment, and I'm so glad we found a great Santa. I'm posting some amazing pictures of the Gaylord later today. Check back soon!


Nicole said...

so cute:) My little one is 9 months! So Fun! Happy Holidays

Megan said...

that last picture is hilarious...