Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Preston's Birthday Party

Preston celebrated his birthday at Little Ninjas, and we were so happy to join him!  The obstacle course was first, and Lincoln beasted the course and breezed through the monkey bars at the end.
Look out . . . someone else has mastered the course and is super good on the monkey bars too.  Way to go, little brother!!! 
Preston's dad, Coach Jesse, got in on the action when the boys moved to the warped wall.  Only Preston and Lincoln are able to get up the shorter warped wall at this time.  Their small but agile bodies are made for climbing the warped wall.  Everyone loved Jesse attempting the big wall. 
Ms. Jennifer surprised everyone with the cutest "cake" and had super fun donuts! 
Lincoln and Beau loved the party and delicious treat on a Friday afternoon. 
Thanks to Preston for an awesome birthday party!!!

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