Sunday, February 21, 2016

Beginning of Christmas Break!

Christmas Break began on Monday, and the boys were super excited about time away from school.  They had plans with Nana for the first couple of days.  A new park with a fun playground was awesome! 
They managed to each eat an entire Campisi's pizza at their picnic!!!  Seriously . . . their pizza is really good, especially after a hard morning of playing. 
Some downtime is required in the afternoons.  Lincoln and Beau were happy to hide away in their teepee with lots of rules.  Apparently no one else was allowed in! 
There was an occasional chore involved, and the playroom got organized!  Proud to stand in front of the clean closet containing all of their toys. 
It's been a great start to the break, and we have so much fun and celebration to come.

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