Thursday, April 9, 2015

Happy Easter from the Kuhlmans!  It was a great day, and we began our day with hugs!  The boys were looking cute in their church clothes and being super sweet.  This sweet picture brought back a memory of the funniest Easter picture ever . . .
Seriously, the funniest Easter picture ever!  Beau was just a few weeks old, and Lincoln was not all about cheesing or the camera while a screaming baby was nearby. 
We accidentally recreated the 2011 picture in 2014.  Beau was not screaming this time, but Lincoln was sad-facing.  How much they have grown! 
Luckily, Lincoln cheered up in just a few clicks of the camera.  We were still a little frazzled about timing with church, brunch, naps, etc.  Life was different with a 5 and 3 year old. 
This year's picture makes lots of smiles.  They have learned to love (and hate) each other so much as they are growing up.  We love the sweet moments!  After the pictures, we headed to church and knew it would be super crowded.  There was a major "thank you God" moment looking at my happy and healthy family all celebrating that Jesus is Risen.  Perhaps a joyful tear was shed!  We didn't take one single picture of the day after that, but we enjoyed a delightful brunch at the club with Nana and Pops, played with Hannah and her parents after brunch in the cold, and came home to take a nap in the rainy cold afternoon.  On every Sunday (and on every day), we can celebrate the Easter story.  Jesus is Risen.  Thanks be to God. 

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