Friday, February 13, 2015

Pre-Valentine's Day Fun

We have had fun getting ready for Valentine's Day this year.  After dinner on Wednesday evening, Lincoln and Beau (with really crazy hair!!!) got started on their Valentine's for their school friends.  We ordered pink and red shovels, M&Ms, and stickers that said "I Dig You", and they couldn't wait to assemble their treats! 
Lots of work went into their Valentine's, and they were so proud! 
Nana and Pops dropped off a super fun treat for us while we worked.  We enjoyed a delicious Paradise Bakery cookie cake after we finished! 
Beau took his Valentine's to his school friends on Thursday because he wasn't going to be at the party on Friday.  He was so proud to pass them out, and his friends loved them!  Lincoln shared his treats at his school party on Friday afternoon.  Mommy got to be a party helper, and we had so much fun. We had a snack of strawberries, heart marshmallows, and pretzels, then we played some fun games.  The kids were so happy to check out their Valentine's boxes to see what their friends brought them.  Linc and Mommy made a silly face for a picture! 
Lincoln had a few Valentine's to deliver . . . one to the music teacher (Mrs. Armstrong), one to the librarian (Ms. Harker), and one to his buddy Nick.  He was so loving sharing the love! 
But maybe the best part of Friday was the recognition of Lincoln reaching a new level of Accelerated Reading.  He hit Level 5, and he was so proud.  He couldn't wait to tell that Ms. Harker read his name out loud in the morning announcement, and everyone could know that he was on Level 5!  Then he saw his picture on the wall in the hall had been updated to Level 5, and he jumped and squealed and needed a picture for sure!!! 
Our Pre-Valentine's Day has been great, and we have a few more fun things planned for Saturday.  Any excuse to keep the love going is fine with us!

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