Friday, December 26, 2014

Almost Christmas Fun

Our last Pre-Christmas days were full of fun!  We went to Daddy's work Christmas Party and had a great time.  It's actually fun to socialize with just grown ups for a few hours! 
The boys spent a bit of time one afternoon outside when the weather was nice.  A little basketball practice and some climbing and sliding was a great was to spend the afternoon. 
Mommy had wrapped all of the gifts without bows.  We got out our Christmas stickers and ribbons to decorate the packages.  Lincoln and Beau made some super cute decorations for the presents. 
It wasn't always sunny and nice, so one afternoon we reserved a court in the indoor tennis center at the club for a 90 minute burst of exercise.  Lincoln led us through each of his tennis lesson drills then we played some fun tennis!  The indoor tennis center will be a part of our daily routine this winter . . . any time it is too cold to burn some energy outside, we can just go there to run around and play.  Lincoln's tennis coach will be amazed when lessons start again because he is getting lots of practice!  
Two crafty boys had an afternoon of painting one day, and they made so many wonderful masterpieces.  Lincoln was really holiday-themed in his paintings, and Beau was a little more abstract.  He mixed several colors near each other and deemed it a "dark cloud."  Hmmm . . . he and a few others I know have a small personality trait of being a "dark cloud" on occasion.  Love their art work! 
Christmas Eve is next! 

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