Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Water Balloons!

I happened to pass the junky toy section in the grocery store today and decided to see if there was anything worth our time.  Oh, yes there was . . . I found a box of water balloons!  I even upgraded to the $3 box because it had a cone-like filler to make the process of filling them up so much easier.  (I also discovered after I had filled up the first one that I had no idea how to tie a balloon - Mom's learn on the fly though, and I am an expert now!)  I had to do a lot of explaining to Lincoln about the purpose/fun of water balloons.  He's never seen one and kept telling me that we should put air in them and let them go up in the air.  We filled up our bucket and got ready to bust some balloons.  Once we got outside, they were ready to give it a try!  Everyone got the hang of it really quickly, and our bucket was rapidly depleting!
 At first Linc would just toss them on the sidewalk and be disappointed that they didn't bust.  I convinced him to thrown them baseball-style, and he really got the hang of it!

One of Linc's pitches might have exploded near Beau, but Beau was so excited about the splash!  He squealed with delight!
 Lincoln did a lot of squealing, too.  I think after each bust, he screamed out with joy!  Our bucket of water balloons emptied too soon, so we headed back inside to fill up for our second round.  This is great!!!

Beau was loving it even thought he couldn't throw the balloons hard enough to bust them.  If he dropped them at the right spot to roll to the edge of the sidewalk, they caught the edge and busted.  Look at this face!!!

After emptying our second bucket, we called it quits.  I'm glad they are cheap because the bang for the buck goes pretty quickly!  I think we may spend a lot of time with water balloons this summer.  Perhaps a few of those moments may include Lincoln putting his head in the empty bucket . . . fun, right?!?!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bedtime Sweeties

I couldn't resist taking a picture of my two sweeties while reading our bedtime stories tonight.  They are so grown up to bathe together, but they are taking it to a whole new level to read bedtime books together.  We start in Lincoln's room for two books.  Beau used to only be mildly interested so it was just Linc and me in the chair.  Sometimes he got his own book and sat in the little chair next to us and pretended to read.  All of a sudden he's decided that he wants in on the action with his big brother.  Linc was a little confused at first but welcomed Beau to the nightly ritual.  I sat on the floor and read them Lincoln's two current favorite books, God's Way (Nana found it in storage-one of Kevin's favorite books when he was a little tot) and Biscuit Christmas.  (We seriously have no holiday boundaries around here - we watched the Valentine's Day Charlie Brown special this weekend!)  Beau and I tuck Linc in then go have a bit of milk and a special Beau and Mommy book in his room.  He picks No No Yes Yes every night, and it is one of the cutest books ever.  (Ally introduced us to this one, and I've given it as a baby gift several times.)  I love happy and clean kiddos, and these two are just the best!  Happy sleep everyone!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


On this warm Saturday afternoon, we decided to hang out in the water.  Our summer pool spot is still a few days away from opening (they remodeled and are in the final stages), so we got out our little splash pool and hit the backyard.  I was sure that Beau would really take to the water - I was wrong!!!  He was terrified of the water shooting up from the sides of the pool.  If Lincoln even came near him while splashing, Beau would erupt in a fit of tears. 
 Big brother Lincoln stepped up and helped Beau get over his fears.  A few minutes of being silly showed Beau that it was OK to relax. 
 Whew!  This is much better now that it's not scary! 
 Our splash time was pretty long . . . almost an hour.  That's pretty long for a 1 and 3 year old.  By the end, Linc was literally swinging from the beams.  He would stand at the edge of the water, jump to grab the swing set beam, and swing like a monkey.  He loved it! 
 Linc took a water break to climb a bit.  Beau was looking so tortured below.  I have to be honest and say there was a little "Na Na Na Boo Boo, you can't get me" from Linc.  I told him that was not nice to tease Beau. 
 Beau totally knew what Linc's next move would be, so he ran to the bottom of the slide to wait on Linc to come down.  He loves to "get" him as he whizzes by! 
Other than the fact that I absolutely hate dirty, wet or muddy children, we all had fun.  I hosed them both down before we went inside.  Then we immediately took sink baths to further de-grime!  Rest assured ... the splash pool is drained, completely cleaned and ready for our next afternoon outing.  I'm not sure when I'll be up for another round of afternoon of mud, but it will probably happen sooner than later.  I'm thinking it's gonna be one hot and muddy summer . . .

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Beau and Linc have been bonding quite a lot lately.  It is hard to play nicely all of the time, but they really do enjoy each other most of the time!  Beau has been crazy interested in Linc's tricycle lately.  For his entire life, he's been stuck in the strap in push car while Linc got to live it up on the tricycle.  Now that he's bigger, he thinks he should get a turn every now and then.  It's actually more like he thinks he should get a turn every single minute, but we're working on sharing.  When the tricycle is parked, Beau gets to pretend to drive.  Linc was so excited to hop on the back for a pretend ride. 
 A recent fruit delivery from Nana and Pops produce a cool new box for the boys to play in.  Seriously, this box is the greatest thing that has happened to the boys in weeks . . . since Auntie sent a boatload of M&Ms in a cat food box last month.  I'd like to say we were cheering for the Rangers in this picture, but we weren't.  Dancing With The Stars was on, and the guy got a standing ovation.  Linc and Beau decided to join all of the cheering. 
There is lots of refereeing when Linc and Beau are playing together, but they really do enjoy each other.  Yay for brothers!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Best

Another day, another park!  It seems like we're really hitting it up the park a lot these days, but I'm anticipating lots of 100 degree days this summer so we're playing it up now!  After church, brunch and a nap, we headed to our neighborhood elementary school to play.  Linc loved that they had 3 separate playgrounds.  Beau loved the rocks on the big kid playground and grabbed handful after handful to share with me.  Sliding is still a fave! 
 Beau really wants to slide, but I'm not putting him up at the top and letting him go.  No way!  I just put him at the bottom and let him scoot to the end, then catch him when he slides off.  Perfect - he totally thinks he's sliding!
 After being a great (sharing) big brother and a great (minding) son today, Linc got his favorite treat . . . a banana split!  I might have mentioned previously that when Lincoln's preschool class was studying the letter "B", they had banana splits along with their lesson.  Well, he's hooked!  He gets half a banana split down the middle, one scoop of ice cream, a drizzle of chocolate and a dash of whipped cream --- and a boatload of sprinkles.  I think all he really cares about is the sprinkles, but I'm in support of the whole dessert.  He informed every other customer and employee at the grocery store that he was buying ingredients for his banana split, that he would use a spoon not a fork to eat it, and that he would not get it in his hair.  He also invited the checkout lady to our house to have a banana split too.  Seriously . . . he did!  Then he kept asking why she wasn't coming while he was eating his dessert.
 Beau just isn't big enough yet for the extravagance of a banana split, but he was pretty happy with the other half of Linc's banana and some animal crackers.  After so much playing and snacking, we really needed to clean up in the tub tonight.  They boys got a fit of the giggles after Beau sneezed.  I'm so glad I captured this one tiny second of pure joy. 
We've all had a pretty fun weekend: multiple park visits, yummy restaurants, sleeping late, healthy kids, banana splits, baseball practice, and good behavior at church.  I don't think I can ask for more!!!  Here's hoping our week follows the same trend.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday Fun

Busy Friday!  We began our day at the hospital . . . but no one was ill!  Lincoln's preschool is associated with a local hospital (future doctor!), and their end of the year program is at the hospital next week.  We went up to practice this morning after Linc had a little panic moment at school practice yesterday.  After a little anxiety, he really got to feel comfortable up there.  I am proud of him for finally getting into it.  He said his line and sang the song with glee!  Beau was thrilled to run around on the stage too. 
 After our program practice, we headed to the library.  Linc checked out two books, which he's already memorized!  He was sure to tell me that Snoopy goes to the library in Charlie Brown movie, so he likes the library too.  Beau was quiet-ish.  He was nice enough to pull a million books from the shelves, while I frantically chased him and returned them to their shelves.  We'll be frequenting the library lots now.  It's so close to our house, and it's totally free!  Kevin was totally amazed by that!
The playground was our next stop, and everyone was excited to play.  Beau loved to act like a big boy and monster around the playground.  I was thankful that he sought out the shade . . . it was a little warm today. 
 Linc was a crazy slider today, and Beau was happy to celebrate each slide!  Yay for the park!
 Such sweet boys having fun together!  I could do this everyday . . . well, at least I can do today! 
We headed home for lunch, naps and a movie after our whirlwind morning.  What a fun Friday!  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Beau is 14 Months Old!

Beau is 14 months old!  I can definitely say that he's a spirited little guy, and I mean that in a (mostly) good way.  Beau can be the sweetest and cuddliest thing then turn into an angry toddler in a second.  He just likes to get his way, and he's very sure of what that is.  Beau is also so funny and becoming so silly, and he loves to laugh and play.  Outside time is the best, and he often stands at the door asking to go out.
 What a great eater Beau is!!  He's weighing in at 27 pounds, and he never misses a meal.  He has a wide range of foods that he likes and is pretty game to try anything.  I've only found a few things that he doesn't like (deli ham/turkey and steamed green beans).  He is an excited eater and a messy one, too.  Beau doesn't like to waste food . . . he dropped a french fry between his belly and the tray and spent 3 minutes trying to figure out how to suck in so he could grab the fry.  He got it and smashed it in his mouth quickly!  I love that he is a good eater, and that he's into pretty healthy stuff.  We're mostly into baked fish or chicken nuggets, lots of steamed veggies, tons of fruit, crackers and yogurt.  Oh, I can't leave out the obsession for Mini Vanilla Wafers . . . it's serious for both Lincoln and Beau.  We go through at least a box each week! 
 Beau has really began to make lots of words and sounds lately.  Of course he says Mama, Dada, bye-bye and uh-oh, but he's added cup, ball, nana, bubbles, cookie, cracker and maybe a few others I can't remember.  He understands when we leave somewhere that he should wave and say bye-bye.  My sweet baby also learned how to kiss recently!  He smashes his face into my cheek and says mmmmm.  It's the best!  He's definitely perfected uh-oooh (as he says it), and this picture shows his sweet face while he says that over and over and over!
 Moving up to the Toddler Room has been so great for Beau.  Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Sonya are the best and were so excited to get Beau after they loved Linc so much.  He comes home humming and doing the motions to Itsy Bitsy Spider, he is really trying to sing the ABCs and can get the melody of the first part, and he LOVES The Wheels on the Bus.  Mostly he loves to squat and stand (on the part where the kids on the bus go up and down) and squeal "UP UP UP".  Soooo cute! 
Because this post is all about celebrating 14 month old Beau, I won't share much of the not-so-great moments.  However, I do need to note that this evening was our first "color on the wall" experience.  Beau came wandering into Lincoln's room with a purple and a green crayon in his hands.  He dropped them almost immediately and went for the book basket, and I didn't give it a thought . . . until I happened to look in the hall by his doorway and saw lots of fresh art!!!!  We talked about it, and I'm sure he'll never do it again!  He has been learning about sharing lately and is doing ok.  He and Linc have to take turns with everything, and I know that's a hard lesson to learn.  Beau loves to play with his big brother, loves to have Linc sing to him, and loves to mimic him.  What a super cool little 14 month old Beau is!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

We began our Mother's Day celebration on Thursday with a Mommy brunch at Lincoln's preschool.  He had been secretly practicing songs for weeks and was so excited for me to come!  We ate croissants, muffins and fruit then potted a plant to take home.  (I might have already killed it, but I'm trying my best.)
 Linc and Will (his bestie) posed for a quick picture with one of their favorite teachers, Ms. Tanya.  We didn't get a picture with Ms. Shaye, but we love her just as much.  Linc really loves them and learns so much each day.  It was so sweet of them to plan an even to celebrate the moms.  Preschool is super fun when you have great teachers to challenge, inspire and nurture each day.
 I loved hanging out in Linc's classroom for a bit.  He reminded me a million times to come to school and have brunch.  I wouldn't have missed it for the world!  (I did run over a piece of metal on the way and had a completely flat tire by the time I left work that evening, but it was worth it!)
I hope this video works . . . I'll check and delete it later if it doesn't.  The kids sang us the cutest songs.  Well, I'm not sure if I would say that they sang.  Mostly they just screamed.  It seemed like a contest of who could scream the loudest.  A few of the kids were covering their ears, but Linc was thrilled to show off his new songs.  Also, there wasn't a dry eye among the Moms.  We ate it up!!!
After church on Sunday, we met Nana and Pops at the new Omni Hotel in downtown for brunch.  It was too yummy, and I can't even begin to describe all the food we ate.  WOW is all I can say!  I got a semi-cute pic with my boys before the feast began. 
Daddy took Lincoln on a Mother's Day shopping trip on Saturday, and Linc was in charge.  He told Daddy that Mommies like roses and cards, so roses and cards they bought.  I understand that it was incredibly difficult to pick the cards.  He settled on Charlie Brown from him and Beau and Mickey Mouse from Daddy.  He and Daddy hid the roses and cards from me until Sunday morning, and he was so (not) secretive about what was going on.  I love that he gets into giving gifts.  Lincoln truly has a giving heart and gets so excited about special days, even when they aren't for him.  I pray I can teach Beau the same thing . . . I will be one lucky Mommy for years to come!  I wished a Happy Mother's Day to all of the ladies who mother me and my children.  The list is long, and I am so appreciative of everyone who mothers us.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Little Thief!

There is a thief disguised as a cute little one year old living here!  Beau is always on the lookout for cell phones lying around.  He's partial to the iPhone, but I suspect he would snag any other phone he saw. 
 He knows which phone belongs to Mommy and Daddy, and he is proud to find it and bring it to you.  He doesn't always hand it over though.  Sometimes he just wants us to know he has it then runs off squealing!
 He has such a sly look!
 Uh-oh . . . Mommy has created a serious situation.  What's more important, iPhone or graham cracker?  This is such a tough decision . . .
 Nope . . . not a tough decision at all.  The phone was returned in a matter of seconds. 
Silly Beau!  He loves remotes as much as phones and is constantly changing the channel on us.  He'll probably figure out how to use both the phone and remote better than Mommy before long!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Evening Shade

After our evening stroller runs, the boys get to run wild outside for a while.  We always look for a neighbor's sprinkler to run through, usually pull out the bubbles, and take turns playing soccer and baseball.  The weather has been nice and not hot yet . . . praise!  Both our back yard and front yard are pretty shady because of all the trees. Beau took a turn at baseball tonight.  He's not the best yet, but he has lots of enthusiasm!
 There was lots of chasing!  Both Lincoln and Beau love to "get" each other.  They take turns pretty well being the chaser and chasee.  I can see why Linc is so skinny because he runs everywhere.  I'm not sure when Beau's big belly will flatten out because he runs everywhere too.  (Side note:  Linc gets out of the stroller a few houses before ours so he can help me exercise.  He LOVES to run beside me pushing the double stroller.)
 Linc did lots of (on purpose) falling tonight.  It seemed super funny to him.  He also carried around his empty bag of vanilla wafers all night.  Weird, I know. 
I'm happy to have the two most active little boys ever.  They keep us on our toes and keep us entertained every day!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Scottish Adventure

What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than hanging out at the Highland Scottish Games in Arlington????  No, I'm serious!  Our family of four headed out to the UT Arlington campus to see the kilts, clans, and complete craziness so Daddy could visit with some work people.  Lincoln and Beau spent a little time with me walking around and taking in all of the sights.  We saw little girls doing traditional Scottish dances in full attire, old men playing bagpipes galore, a Scottie puppy show, and even a storyteller with Scottish tales of yore . . . it was interesting!  The people there were totally into their heritage, so I'm not making fun of anything.  It's just not what I normally see on a Saturday.  It was also a little warm, but we had lots of water and sunscreen.
 We wandered over to the children's tent and found this lady dressed as a fairy singing along with a dude playing the harp. 
 This is the look Lincoln gave the fairy and harpist . . . I'm thinking he's never seen anything like this before!  Beau and I were kind of feeling the same way.
 We hit up the children's activities, and everyone had fun.  There was a kilted man acting as a guard, and you were supposed to charge him to gain entrance to the castle for some super important rise-up against the king thing . . . we passed on that one.  Instead we went to the carry the (cardboard) log to the 10 yard line (on the football field) and toss it as far as you could.  Either this was a serious part of the logging business in ancient Scotland or just a fun weekend contest of who was the strongest . . . not sure.  Anyway, Lincoln had lots of fun with it. 
 Of course Beau was not going to miss out on any fun, so we found him a small (cardboard) log.  He chased Lincoln around the field with glee.  He never got the hang of throwing it, but at least he got to participate. 
 Scottish loggers in action . . .
What a fun event!  I'm not sure I like that we have to drive all the way to Arlington, but the boys were pretty good in the car.  Lots of eating, book-reading and movie-watching made it a successful trip.  The rest of our day was pretty uneventful with nice naps and a yummy dinner at Snuffers.  Happy Saturday!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Playing School

The boys stayed home with Nana and Pops today, and everyone had lots of fun!  I would normally stay home on Friday, but we had a mix-up at work . . . I'm sure Linc and Beau weren't bothered by the change.  I know they did lots of playing and learning.  After a yummy dinner (thanks for getting us Mi Co, Pops!)  and a stroller run, we played school.  Beau is really getting into reading.  He sometimes gets to play with Lincoln's books, and that's a real treat. 
 He was really getting into it!  He does lots of "talking" as he turns the pages!  He also loves to sit in the "big" chair in Lincoln's room.  It's the little things in life . . .
 Lincoln is really into the Biscuit books that Nana brought.  His teacher told me that those are the books they use to learn to read.  I'm not trying to teach him to read yet, but they are fun and simple and offer repetitive words and phrases so kids can learn to recognize words.  He loves them!
 After our reading lesson, we got out the nap mats.  Both boys ran straight for them to lay down!  So cute!  I don't know how the teachers (beginning at age 1) manage to get them to nap on cots with these nap rolls.  I guess the kids just follow along with everyone else in the class. 
 I got a few funny looks while I was asking for "cheese".  Like, really Mom . . . we're done with that camera!
We had such a fun Friday evening.  Everyone was happy to play together, eat a yummy dinner, enjoy a ride in the double stroller, and have a fun snack.  I even managed to get the boys to help me put away the laundry . . . score!