Sunday, April 26, 2015

Full Friday

Field Trip Friday!!!  Lincoln has been excited for weeks to go on the Field Trip to the Environmental Science Center, and it was finally the day!  The rain didn't dampen his spirits at all.  Of course, riding the bus is a huge deal!
Our bus was 20 minutes late, but we couldn't do the outside portion of the trip anyway because of the rain.  We spent our time indoors and learned about several animals.  The kids were really good and sat quietly (as much as 42 Kindergartners can) as the animals were brought out.  They saw a turtle and ferret, but there are no pictures of those.  (Mom and Mrs. Baily were busy helping one student having a hard time in the different environment.)  Next up was a red snake that the lady assured everyone wasn't interested in kids.  It made the moms and teachers a little nervous, but it never came towards the kids.  We got to see an example of its exoskeleton and its skin post-shedding.
A Bearded Dragon Lizard was our next animal, and Lincoln pointed out that Beau would really love that one (because he loves dragons).  It was nice too and didn't worry about the kids.  We learned what it eats and more.   
The bunny rabbit was last, and all of the kids loved that.  It ate some leaves and everyone got to pet him.   
Best part of the trip . . . the bus ride!!!!  Lincoln smiled the whole time!  We sat across from Levi, Canon, and Ben, and the boys loved every minute!  Suggestion for the easiest field trip . . . riding around town in a school bus.  No need to stop anywhere because Kindergartners just love riding the bus! 
Beau was with Nana and Pops all day, and they picked up Lincoln to do some AR quizzes in the library followed by a trip to Monster Yogurt!  We met up with some friends at the club for dinner and the Mavs/Rockets playoff game.  The boys played around on the putting green before the storm arrived.  When the lightening started, they had to come inside. 
We ate dinner inside during the heavy part of the storm, but the kids were eager to go back out and play when the rain stopped.  Everyone ate their dinner great (pizza, grilled chicken, and French fries).  Hannah is super fun to play with, and they had a great time under the patio!!!  I asked for a sweet "Cheese" but sillies were more fun! 
This post was brought to you by the letter F (Sesame Street-style): Fun, Friday, Fun, Field Trip, Fun, FroYo, Fun, French Fries, Fun, Friends, Fun, Fun, Fun!! 

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