Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

No real plans for the weekend . . . lots of fun things to do!  We started out Saturday morning with haircuts for Lincoln and Beau.  Ms. Olivia is our main hair-cutter (stylist, I guess I should say even though we don't get styles!!), and Lincoln was happy to climb in her chair (taxi!).  We don't see Ms. Diana as often, but Beau enjoyed spending some time with her in the firetruck.  They both left with sharp haircuts and blue suckers.  
Next on our list was a visit to the playground.  Lincoln is obsessed with the elementary school he will be attending next year and always want to play there.  Nana was happy to play with us too, and we had so much fun.  We did lots of climbing, sliding, monkey bar-ing and laughing.  Beau discovered a spot under one of the slides that was like an order stand.  He loves the little desk under our playhouse at home and takes orders for us (his customers).  He set up a Whataburger and made lots of yummy pretend food for us.  He even got busy "typing" on the plastic keyboard and "swiping" our fake cards.  If Whataburger is in need of a new checker, he's got it down!   
Sunday morning was filled with church, a grocery store trip and yummy lunch and playing at home.  After a rest/nap, the boys were thrilled to go swimming.  They love to swim and play in the water.  We took floaties, motorboats, balls, goggles, rings, and snacks and spent the afternoon having fun.  I know they look crazy geared up in the photo, but we took breaks from the safety devices to practice our swimming lessons techniques.  They both did plenty of "Ms. Karen" swims to me, and they were really impressive.  They charmed Miss Abby, the lifeguard today, and sang her lots of songs and did lots of silly splashing with her.  I'm so proud of their comfort level in the water and their swimming skills improving each week.   
After dinner we tried our new push up popsicles with much success!!  I mean, it was a complete mess but they loved it.  After some fun with blocks and homework cards, the boys had a little time with Mommy's phone.  Lincoln loves to play Candy Crush, and Beau wanted to watch.  They looked so sweet together when I took this picture . . .  
Moments later I walked back in the room to find them slapping each other in the face!  I understand from our conversations after the fight that Beau had decided he wanted in on the Candy Crush action, but Lincoln told him it wasn't for 2 year olds.  Beau doesn't really think that he's 2, and he hates to not be able to do things that Lincoln is doing . . . instant fight!!!  I instructed them to apologize to one another, and they did.  I then instructed Lincoln to give Beau a hug to end the dispute, and he did.  Linc also not so nicely told Beau during the hug, "But I am still going to be mad at you for the rest of your life!"  Whatever!  They were giggling and being silly friends within 10 minutes.  We had a great weekend, and now it's back to the grind.  There are so many fun things planned at school this week so I know they will have fun.  The Fun Bus visiting, a cowboy costume day and a tour of a firetruck are the highlights.  Bring on the week!!!

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