Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I don't know who created Mother's Day, but it's a nice to take a day (or moment or hour) to be nice to our Moms.  There are so many people who are Moms to me that I am thankful for.  My grandmothers, my aunts and great aunts, my Auntie, my mother in law, my other mom friends - there are too many to name!  My first and only Mother raised me to be kind, loving, polite, and most of all Christian.  I pray daily that I am so thankful that my family taught me that a relationship with God was a necessity and a blessing.  I work each day to bring those same qualities to my boys . . . I'm not sure about my success rate right now, but we will continue to work on that!  Lincoln's pre-school had a lovely Mother's Day lunch on Thursday, but none of the pictures are downloading properly.  Trust me when I say that it was a special event.  The kids were so excited to sing their songs, Lincoln was eager to be the Emcee of the event, and his teachers put together a great slide show for the moms.  It even opened with Lincoln singing to the class!  I almost cried right there!  On Sunday, I was showered with cards, flowers (both real and crafted), gift certificates, and hugs and kisses.  Score!   
Nana and Pops joined for a special dinner and dessert.  We all made happy plates!  Everyone loved the lemon rosemary pork tenderloin, roasted potatoes and steamed broccoli, but the highlight was the mini cookie pizzas.  Lincoln and Beau thought it was funny when I told them we would have cookie pizzas with icing for sauce, strawberries for pepperonis, and blueberries for olives.  This dessert was a definite success! 
When it was time to get all cleaned up, I really took a moment to look at the boys and take in their joy.  Of course they are trying at times, but they are truly the sweetest little guys ever!  I wouldn't trade a single minute with them . . . even when Lincoln woke me up with puke early Saturday morning.  He was so sweet to tell me I was so beautiful as I was stripping the bed and cloroxing everything in sight.  I can't ask for much more than that! 
Being a Mom is hard work!  Knowing that the future depends on how these kids are raised makes for a lot of pressure, but the world is safe with my Kuhlman boys.  They are so imaginative, creative, independent, and even fighters and forgivers.  I learn so much just being their Mom.  We had a moment in the car a few days ago that humbled me . . . after an unhappy morning of getting ready for school, I kind of lost it in the car because the whining just wouldn't stop.  After my rant was over, I apologized to the boys for losing my temper.  Lincoln said, "It's ok, Mommy.  I still love you and want you to be my Mommy.  You could just be a better Mommy, that's all."  And that's what I'll always try to be!  Unconditional love is priceless!

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