Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Outside Fun

This early bit of spring is soooo welcome!  Lincoln and Beau have really enjoyed the extra time outside in the evenings.  I guess Daylight Savings Time has added to the longer sunlight hours, and we have been taking advantage of this sneak peak of spring.  Last night, we played out front with our tricycle, jeep, baseball tee and soccer goal.  While Daddy was grilling tonight, we had fun in the backyard.  Lincoln had fun reminding Beau how to use the toddler swing.  Such a helpful big brother!
Beau was happy to play on the toddler swing as Linc had demonstrated for a while.  As soon as Lincoln moved on to the slide, Beau had to do some sliding of his own.  He flew down the slide so fast and loved it!! 
There were a few dandelions that Lincoln had to blow on.  He took this really seriously and made sure that every fiber was blown away before he was done.  Such a little weed-killer - thanks buddy! 
Beau found a pretty yellow weed/flower and tried to blow the petals off like Lincoln was doing . . . it didn't work out so well, but he had fun doing it!  Linc finally told Beau that the yellow ones were actually flowers for Mommy and not to hurt it anymore.  So yay for me, as I get another believer in weed flowers.  I guess weed flowers are better than no flowers! 
Speaking of flowers, Lincoln had planted a little flower garden last spring that seemed to die a slow death and never produced an actual bloom last year.  Magically a few flowers have appeared in the last couple of days, and he was SUPER excited to water them!  Poor guy doesn't know that we've hired a guy to lay grass in the backyard, and his little flowers are about to be covered up.  I'm sure that he'll enjoy a bed of grass instead of dirt, so I'm thinking he'll get over it!  He can water our newly planted grass instead of his random flower. 
Beau headed for the see-saw while Linc was watering.  He was brave to hold on and "go high" as he said!  Lincoln joined him quickly on the other end of the see-saw, and they had so much fun. 
Oh, backyard . . . we have missed you!  We will love you so much more when we get our new grass planted.  Oh, and we will love you so much more when we get the instructions to keep the june bugs from destroying everything.  I'm waging a serious war against june bugs this spring.  Anyone remember the Mommy vs. The Squirrel story??? . . . Yeah, that's how I feel about the june bugs right now!  We are ready to reclaim the backyard!!!

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