Friday, December 23, 2011

Bobby the Elf

The Elf on a Shelf began his annual visits to our home this year. Lincoln named him Bobby, and Bobby has been a very important part of our Holiday season. Every night Bobby goes to tell Santa if Lincoln and Beau have been good that day, and he appears in a new spot the next morning. We search the house when Linc wakes up to see where Bobby has landed for the day. That Bobby comes up with some silly places to hang out! Sometimes he steals an ornament from the tree . . .

Once he sat on top of the Charlie Brown Christmas tree . . .

One morning we found him hanging from the light fixture in the playroom to get an extra good vantage point of Lincoln and Beau playing . . .

Bobby even stole one of the Christmas cookies that Linc decorated . . .

It has been so fun to search for Bobby each day and giggle at the funny places he hides. I think Bobby might need to make a few appearances throughout the year to remind Lincoln and Beau that Santa and Bobby are always watching to see who's naughty or nice!!!!!

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