Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sitting Up (sort of)

While Lincoln has been busy practicing his potty skills, Beau has been busy practicing his sitting skills. I thought it would be so easy for him - he could just rest his big belly on his legs (or the floor). It hasn't been that easy, but he's doing well. There was lots of toppling over at first, but now's he's pretty stable. I put the Boppy pillow around him for cushion though he doesn't need it much anymore. I'm sure the toys look totally different from this angle!

My only concern about Beau's sitting is the pressure it puts on his belly - sometimes it increases the spit ups! I try to wait for at least an hour after he eats to do any sitting.

Beau does enjoy his new skill, but he's such a rolly polly when laying on the floor. He's the happiest when he is surrounded by toys and can roll and scoot and turn all around.

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