Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Beau is 2 weeks old!

Beau is really thriving at two weeks! He's such a chill kiddo. He's gained a pound since birth, and weighs in at 8lbs 4 oz. I nurse every three hours in the daytime and about every four hours at night. He's sleeping well in his crib, and of course we're loving the swaddle blanket! He is very tolerant of Lincoln's loudness and doesn't seem to mind all that we have going on around here. He accompanies me to the doctor, Target and the grocery store, and to Lincoln's school each day without a complaint. I'm really enjoying his portableness right now because I know one day he'll have an opinion about tagging along! I took a few fun pictures, but he likes to frown when I turn on the flash. I may have to invest in one of those fancy flash attachments that our friend Dale was telling me about. She's always got fun camera tips for me! Happy Two Weeks to Beau . . . it wasn't the two weeks I had imagined, but all is working out well.

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