Monday, November 9, 2009

7 months

When Lincoln was first born, a friend told me that life would be 180 degrees different at 7 months. Boy was she right! He's the squirmiest, smiliest, chattiest, huggiest, nosiest little boy ever! Here are a few things about Lincoln at 7 months.
Weight: 17 lbs (it varies from 17 to 17.8) Sometimes he's ravenous and eats everything in sight, and sometimes he's not interested in food at all. He always wants to try what's on our plates but makes a face and spits it out if we give him a taste. Come on - who doesn't like hash browns?!?!

Height: getting taller by the minute (Actually, he won't be still long enough to get a good measurement.) He seems tall to me when he's on the changing table but short when he's standing next to the ottoman.

Favorite Foods: Milk is still king, but he loves oatmeal. Rice and wheat cereal are just ok, but don't hold back on the oatmeal. Squash, sweet potatoes and carrots are his favorite veggies, but he likes green beans, corn and the mixed veggie dish pretty well. I have slowly introduced fruits to very strong opinions. Bananas - yes, pears - yes, applesauce - slowly yes, peaches - no way! Since he loves the jar bananas so much, I thought he should try a real banana mashed up. On the first bite, he gagged. On the second bite, he vomited. Hmmm, maybe we'll stick with the jar for now. Something must not be the same there.

Favorite activities: Lincoln loves being in his jumper almost more than anything. He gets to jumping so hard, and I can't stop laughing. He keeps us entertained during dinner in the jumper. We've noticed it is also a favorite place to poop. We always check his diaper when he's done jumping! Standing up, pulling up, rolling around, and scooting backwards are the main floor activities. He is constantly flipping over to a different position or direction. We can't take our eyes off him for a second. While doing his other favorite activities, Lincoln keeps up a steady banter. He sings and talks nonstop. I told his teachers he's like his mom and dad that way! He still only has one real word - Mama - but says ba ba in a variety of ways. We're working on Dada.

He was singing me a lovely ba ba ba ba song in this picture.

Riding around in the push-car is another favorite activity. You'd think he would tire of driving around our house, but no. I guess he finds something new to check out over and over and over and over . . . .

He must be the happiest kid on earth. I know he has made us the happiest parents on earth.

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