Tuesday, June 23, 2009

First Day of School!

I'm going to try to make it through this post without crying, but I can't make any guarantees. Monday was Lincoln's first day of school. Yes, school - we don't call it daycare at our house. I was so lucky to have 12 weeks to learn about him, watch him grow, teach him things, and love on him all day long. The day came much faster than I could imagine, and I got ready slowly and sadly. I had met with lots of schools and was extremely happy with the one we selected (and happy I made it off the wait list!). They have a fun curriculum, one-on-one development time, and lots of space to play in his room. His teacher and the staff have been wonderful on all of our visits. So Monday morning, we all loaded up and headed to school. Lincoln was very interested in checking things out, and we all hugged and kissed. I bravely put him in Ms. Toke's (to-kay) arms and ran from the room. Kevin tried to be consoling, but my mom said it best: This will be the hardest day of your life. She was right! I am working half days for a while to ease the transition, and I am so thankful that I could pick him up at lunch. Guess what? He was fine, comfortable and had a good day. He's going to learn so much and have fun playing with the other kids. He is so entertained watching them, and I know he'll pick up things fast. My first day back at work was filled with meetings and e-mail, and I got back into the swing of things quickly. We're all going to be fine, and I know Lincoln is going to thrive at school. Thank you to the staff and our families for making this easier, and thank you to God for listening to my prayers. I couldn't do it alone.

I'm not ready to let him go yet . . .

Kevin and Linc checking out the other kids playing.


Watson's said...

Oh, sweet baby Lincoln at school. I know that had to be terrible, but I'm so glad he did great. Good for you doing only half days!

Hayley said...

Hope the transition continues to go well! Lincoln is getting so big!

Jamie said...

We call it school too! I remember that day... I wouldn't even go I made Jeremy do it himself! I love that you are getting to do 1/2 days... I have really found it is the best of both worlds for Adie and I both! She loves/needs the social time and so do I! Emmy has yet to go to school... thank you economy! but I do feel like it will be much easier for me the second time around!

EilandFamily said...

Glad to hear that it went well! How are you doing now?