Halloween night was the debut of the Kuhlman Dynamic Duo! Lincoln was definitely sure that he wanted to be a Superhero this year, and there was a little discussion about who was his favorite. He decided Batman would be the coolest, and I was excited that Beau could be Robin. Beau is no second fiddle, mind you. He's the Boy Wonder in every way! One little hiccup in the Batman costume idea . . . Lincoln has no idea of the actual concept of Batman. Not really a problem for a 3 year old (I mean, the movies are a little darker than Sesame Street!), right? Except Linc insisted that to be Batman, he would need to carry a bat with him to bat people that tried to get our candy. So Batman carries a bat . . . of course!! I went along with the bat concept for a while, but we left it behind when we headed out to trick or treat!
The most fun thing about wearing the costumes is looking in the mirror!!! They spent forever checking themselves out and squealing with glee!
That Robin is too cute! Batman really appreciated his sidekick. He kept running up to Beau and squeezing him saying, "I love you my baby toddler best buddy Robin." Beau is a little confused about his identity, and not just because Lincoln uses so many words (baby toddler best buddy) to describe him. Since we got the costumes, he has referred to them both as Batman Costume. He often retrieves his Robin suit from the closet and shouts Batman Costume over and over. I don't care to correct him because he's so excited to be part of the fun! Seriously, he is the cutest Robin ever!
Batman was super excited to trick or treat. He and Beau practiced saying "trick or treat", "thank you" and "Happy Halloween". Is it time for candy yet?
Wait - Batman had to plant one more sweet kiss on baby toddler best buddy Robin before we left. I think Robin is not as lovey as Batman.
We tried a for a few pictures next to the pumpkins and flowers, but these guys were ready to go!
Our first stop was at Ms. Sally's house next door. Linc rang the bell with Beau in tow. Ms. Sally opened the door, and Batman shouted, "Give me some candy, please!" Ummmmm, that's not what we practiced! She laughed as I scolded him, and we tried the right words. After a round of "trick or treat", they boys were rewarded with Hershey bars - their favorite!!! Thanks, Ms. Sally! We hit up each house on our side of the street with lots of success. The boys followed protocol and said all of the previously mentioned phrases. Batman always took the lead, and Robin was always close behind.
While waiting on Ms. Gail to open her door, Beau gave me a funny look like "are we supposed to be doing this?"
After visiting all of the houses on our street, we headed to see Marte and Scooter. These guys hit the jackpot there! They got to see Courtney and Matt and doggie Sophie, and Marte and Scooter had special treats for them. Along with candy, Linc got The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown book, Beau got Pooh's Halloween Parade book, and they got a cool dancing Snoopy plush. Our last stop was at the Robison's for candy and a quick peek at baby Jackson.
Boy, trick or treating can wear a kid out . . . it was time to chill after such a busy night!
We had a super fun Halloween night! There was lots of candy, lots of walking, lots of laughing, lots of "trick or treat", lots of "thank you", lots of "Happy Halloween" (in Beau's case, lots of "Happy Ween"), and lots of fun. Batman and Robin picked two treats to eat tonight, and they were super happy. I followed up the treats with granola bars and crackers . . . I'm hoping I can reverse the sugar effect with healthy food! I never thought I would be one of "those" moms who went through the candy, but I totally went through their pumpkins after they went to bed. In to the trash went hard candy, gum, Laffy Taffy and Starburst. Sorry guys, but you can live it up with chocolate bars, goldfish and M&Ms. I'm so glad the boys had a fun night. These costumes aren't going anywhere, and I'm totally fine with them wearing them every day to play. And don't judge if Batman and Robin show up at the library or Target next month! We are definitely getting our money's worth with these outfits!